Wenlock Olympian Society



Birthplace Of The Modern Olympics

How the passion of a local doctor in a small rural town, created the Olympics that became a global phenomenom.

Rebirth of the Olympic Games

Explore our unique online archive of images covering the revival of the Modern Olympic Games.

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"The Wenlock people alone have preserved and followed the true Olympian traditions."
Pierre de Coubertin

Did you know....

“One side of every Olympic medal ever awarded bears the image of Nike, Goddess of Victory, this is modelled on the medal first awarded at the Wenlock Olympian Games in 1868”.

“The founder of the modern Olympic movement, Coubertin, stated in 1896 that the revival of the Olympic Games was not due to a Greek but to Dr William Penny Brookes (of Much Wenlock Shropshire)”.

“It is thought that one of the first sports events ever to be photographed was the Wenlock Olympian Games of 1867″.


“The procession of athletes, Olympic hymns and the medal ceremony seen at every Olympic Games is based on those first seen at the Wenlock Olympian Games“.

WOS History

Follow the fascinating trail around Much Wenlock, taking in the key locations of the Olympic Games here.

Walk In Their Footsteps - The Olympian Trail